Rent Beehives for Your Commercial or Residential Property
A well known study estimates one-third of the human diet can be traced directly, or indirectly, to bee pollination. This estimate is probably more accurate for human diets in developed countries. About 130 agricultural plants in the United States are pollinated by bees, and the annual value of honey bee pollination to U.S. agriculture is estimated at over $9 billion. In fact, thousand of businesses, in the farming industry, use beehive rentals because of the great need.
The Honey Ladies rent beehives to:
- Commercial land owners looking to pollinate their cherry trees, almond trees and etc.
- Gardeners and local homeowners with small acreage farms.
- Individual homeowners
- We will also work with clients on a rent-to-own basis.
Many people prefer to rent beehives rather than purchase one. Some might want beehives for pollination services only. Others may want to try beekeeping before making the commitment to own a beehive. New beekeepers need to understand honeybee colonies are not like kittens or puppies that can be easily moved and/or on very short notice. A healthy hive in mid-summer will have approximately 30,000 happy residents! If you rent beehives, it’s a commitment not only to your garden, and the environment, but also to the hive itself.

Rent Beehives and get them Installed with Services
Our professionally trained beekeepers prepare the hive(s) on your property and the installation is designed to make the honeybees’ job of taking care of and improving your property easy but also to protect the hive from family pets, children’s play areas, excess sun, moisture, and any other detrimental elements so it may flourish naturally.
Hive rentals are seasonal and usually done for a specific crop or the pollination of a garden. Honeybees have outstanding pollination abilities and are ideal for backyard gardens and small acreage farmers. Honeybees are normally available for rental from the end of April until August. We offer maintenance and regular hive check-ups, which is included in the price.
If you are interested, please call us at 408.531.5045 or email us at: