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15559 Union Avenue Los Gatos, California 408-531-5045 info@thehoneyladies.com


remove beehive on property

A Beehive is on Your Property! What Shall You Do?

December 31, 2020 admin Comments Off

Bees are an important part of our ecosystem. According to researchers’ estimates, 15% of the food consumed by humanity depends on the activities of pollinators. Bees have an active role in natural flower pollination, without them, humanity would face a global famine in just a few years. Though bees can be domestic and friendly, even timid if they are alone, in groups, or near to their hives they can behave aggressively to protect their domain – even if it was your property first.

Families of bees become stronger between the end of May and the middle of June, which is called swarming fever. Part of the bee family (led by an old queen) flies out of the hive, looking for a new habitat. This is when we see bees flying in a cloud and then settling somewhere.

If they rest on a branch of a tree, a beekeeper can easily collect the honeycomb from there. However, if they are hacked into a chimney, firewall, an old wood gap of a tree, or another hiding place, it is very difficult to lure them out – this is the part where we, the Honey Ladies, enter.

First of all, always think about whether the hive disturbs your daily activities, ruins any part of your property, or any of your relatives are allergic to them. If your answer was that it does not bother you or your loved ones, you still shall consult with bee professionals to ensure your safety. In case you want to remove the beehive colony, do not approach the bees until a professional allows or suggests it. 

Beehive removal is still difficult – and in some cases dangerous – task. For your own safety, please DO NOT:

  • Try to destroy the hive with any sharp or long object. Bees are protective, making them scared and angry will cause them to attack you.
  • Use any insecticide aerosol against them. Those are for ants, flies, or roaches. Using it will paralyze bees or even kill them, which hurts the ecosystem.
  • Squash or stomp on, catch or cast away them. Try to use nets on your doors and windows that keep them out from the house, and remain calm until professional help arrives.

What you can do for protection:

  • Consult precisely with the professionals: what color the bees have, how big are they and what shape they have, and how are they behaving. This will help the preparation process – it is possible that it is not a beehive, rather a wasp or hornet hive, which has to be treated differently.
  • Wear a dress that protects your neck, wrists, and ankles – no pesky bee will be able to get under your skin!
  • If any one of them stinged you or your loved ones, instead of panicking, treat the stung skin: remove the stinger with your fingertips – never use a tweezer! Wash it with soap and icy water, then treat it with a cold pack and painkiller medications. If the swallowing is not eased and even discolored darkly, moreover the patient feels like they are suffocating, immediately call an ambulance, or go to the nearest hospital!

Professional bee hive removers will support you using animal-friendly methods, safe both for you and the bees. They have protective uniforms and will transfer the colony to a safe place where they can be useful for everyone.

If you have some questions or have a similar problem, contact us – the Honey Ladies are here to help you!